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mercoledì 30 marzo 2022

Report - Polvere d' uranio

Uranio impoverito, colonnello Croce Rossa: "Traditi: vertici sapevano, a...

Montecitorio Selfie: Kosovo, la versione di D’Alema

1999, D'Alema si fece baffo della costituzione...

Tutte le bugie di Vitaly Markiv e dell'esercito ucraino

Vauro: 'A D'Alema non perdono i bombardamenti sulla ex-Jugoslavia nel 2011'

Edizione straordinaria Tg1 notte attacco forze Nato alla Serbia incomple...

Kosovo president accused: Hashim Thaci accused of war crimes during Koso...

Lutfi Dervishi dënohet sërish

Trafic d'organes: Belgrade veut une enquête mandatée...

Kosovo : cinq condamnations pour trafic d'organes


Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Tony Blair, Wesley Clark Flasin për Hashim Thaçin

Hashim Thaçi takon Havier Solanën dhe Uesli Klark (28 Maj 1999)

Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Tony Blair, Wesley Clark Flasin për Hashim Thaçin

Biden is not in a position 'physically and mentally' to lead US: GOP law...

Trafic d'organes au Kosovo les amis de Bernard Kouchner arrêtés les un...

Carla Del Ponte: Kosovo Serbs Murdered For Their Organs

Interrogé sur la "maison jaune", Bernard Kouchner nie toujours le trafic...

Bernard Kouchner rit des victimes serbes du trafic d'organes au Kosovo

Kosovo: une poignée de victimes du trafic d'organes

Trafic d'organes au Kosovo: un rapport demande la "vérité"

'Senior moment': Joe Biden's gaffes show it's 'time to enact the 25th Am...

Tucker: Biden can't regulate his emotions

Trump Calls On PUTIN To Dish On Hunter Biden, Rep. Gaetz SUCCESSFULLY En...

Growing evidence Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter's overseas 'business g...

Trump asks Putin to release info on Hunter Biden business deal | New Yor...

Trump Publicly Asks Putin To Release Information On Hunter Biden

CNN reporter reveals new details in Hunter Biden investigation

Growing evidence Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter's overseas 'business g...

martedì 29 marzo 2022

Draghi contestato a Genova

Draghi a Napoli contestato da disoccupati e sindacati di base

Draghi contestato a Napoli: "No alla guerra, sì al lavoro"

US Fed Report: Government paid $1 Billion to American media to promote C...

Long list of side effects to look out for

Long list of side effects to look out for

Ukraine Prosecutor To Review Past Cases, Some Involving Hunter Biden Emp...

Брифінг Генерального прокурора Рябошапки - ПРЯМИЙ ЕФІР. НАШ 04.10.19

venerdì 25 marzo 2022

Manlio Dinucci: "La guerra del gas degli Stati Uniti contro la Russia la...

Manlio Dinucci: "Sono stati gli occidentali a negare ai russi qualsiasi ...

The Cold War on TV: Joseph McCarthy vs. Edward R. Murrow | Retro Report

The way big tech 'stamped down' on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is 'u...

Bill O'Reilly: There is a chance that Hunter Biden will get indicted | '...

The New York Times ‘buried the lead’ after verifying Hunter-Biden laptop...

Russia Accuses American President’s Son Hunter Biden of Bankrolling Biow...

$2.4 billion fund under Hunter Biden involved in financing US-backed bio...

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 11-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 10-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 9-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 8-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 7-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 6-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 5-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 4-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 3-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 2-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 1-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 3-11

andreotti stratega . Paolo Guzzanti. mitrokin vespa. 3-11

Litvinenko e Prodi

Pandora Papers. Наслідки будуть, якщо доведуть, що 40 млн $ Привату прой...

Pandora Papers Reveal Evidence Of Hidden Riches Of Post-Soviet Elites

Pandora Papers: leaked documents reveal secret wealth of world leaders, ...

What are the Pandora papers?

Pandora Papers: the 'legal' way to avoid taxes

Pandora Papers: Leaked Documents Expose Global Elite

"Pandora papers": le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky ciblé • FRAN...

"Pandora papers", i segreti finanziari dei leader mondiali

Pandora papers, nomi famosi tra i grandi evasori. Da Blair a Shakira

Pandora Papers: leaked documents reveal secret wealth of world leaders, ...

Millions of voters have ‘never heard the truth’ about Biden files

‘It’s about time’: Trump suing Hillary Clinton over Russiagate scandal

Hunter Biden looking at 'decades behind bars'

Long list of side effects to look out for

giovedì 24 marzo 2022

Pfizer Documents reveal potential side effects, adverse events

Draghi risponde alla domanda del giornalista inglese. Ascoltate bene e g...

Bidens' money trail to Russia, China, and Ukraine exposed

Rand Paul: Fauci won't admit this to the public

"C'est une guerre entre les Etats-Unis et la Russie, mais c'est l'Europe...

Jacques Baud : "Les Américains ont instrumentalisé l'Ukraine de façon pe...

The Pfizer documents

Pfizer Documents reveal potential side effects, adverse events

Это ЯД! Потап, Зеленский и Юзик сыграли на рояле ЭТИМИ - зал в истерике ...

Scontro tra Vauro e il diplomatico ucraino: "Perché alcuni battaglioni u...

NATO and Nazis: Did the West push Putin into action on Ukraine?

Women and the Azov battalion in Kyiv, Ukraine | DW Documentary

White House dodges questions on Hunter Biden laptop

Hunter Biden under federal criminal investigation

The 51 Spies Who Defended Hunter Biden, Zelensky Escapes Assassination, ...

Hunter Biden cover-up is 'deeply disturbing'

Hunter Biden laptop story dismissed by media: Kurtz | The Fox News Rundown

martedì 22 marzo 2022

Victoria Nuland at "Ukraine in Washington 2013": Ukrainians deserve a go...

Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Hunter Biden and their role in Burisma case

Hunter Biden cover-up is 'deeply disturbing'

US media acted ‘disgracefully’ by denying Hunter Biden laptop story

Bill Barr: Biden lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop

Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal shows Democrats are ‘hiding gigantic things’

Jacques Attali : "La crise ukrainienne peut conduire à une 3e guerre mon...

Inside A White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine

Ukraine: le fascisme en toile de fond

Right Sector Leader Declares 'New Stage Of Ukrainian Revolution'

Dmytro Yarosh. Ukraine Crisis Media Center March 8, 2014

Ukraine: US embarrassed after US diplomat Nuland phone conversation leaked

F*** the EU: Alleged audio of US diplomat Victoria Nuland swearing

Nuland: Fuck the EU

lunedì 21 marzo 2022

Déclaration du collectif nationaliste à Corte, vendredi 18 mars 2022


Zelenskyy’s Role In Trump Impeachment | Zerlina.

The 'serious' case for impeaching Biden: Rep. Norman

Biden to travel to Europe and meet with NATO leaders to discuss more Rus...

Impeachment witness Marie Yovanovitch called 'bad news' by Donald Trump

Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch impeachment hearing fu...

Ucraina, Fulvio Grimaldi: "Il governo di Kiev è retto da forze naziste, ...

Ucraina: i nazionalisti di Svoboda, risultato storico ma prudenza

NATO and Nazis: Did the West push Putin into action on Ukraine?

Canada's meeting with Ukraine's self-professed Nazi paramilitary


Big tech 'censored' the Hunter laptop story 'to protect Joe Biden'

How Joe Biden Made His Millions

Recording of calls between Joe Biden and ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko...

WATCH: Yovanovitch: Hunter Biden’s Burisma role could raise ‘appearance ...

Anche amico di famiglia di Kerry nel cda di società gas ucraina

A look at Hunter Biden's time in Ukraine

Trump says China and Ukraine should investigate Joe and Hunter Biden

The Hunter Biden laptop story shows Joe is 'compromised'

Joe Rogan slams media, Biden for 'lying' about the Hunter laptop bombshell

Majority of Americans believe the US has gotten off on the ‘wrong track’

Big tech 'censored' the Hunter laptop story 'to protect Joe Biden'

Joe Rogan slams media, Biden for 'lying' about the Hunter laptop bombshell

'I want to make sure we're really out of this before I end my time': Fau...

lunedì 7 marzo 2022

Victoria Nuland at "Ukraine in Washington 2013": Ukrainians deserve a go...

Anne-Laure Bonnel - Ukraine : "Ceux qui appellent à la guerre ne la conn...

Ukraine : et si Vladimir Poutine avait raison ?

Ukraine: les propos controversés de Victoria Nuland font des vagues

The comedian who could be president - BBC News

"F**k the EU" - US diplomat embarrassed after undiplomatic language caug...

Ukrainian Military Give Up Their Weapons: Russian Roulette

Ukraine's Azov Battalion Stages Smoky Protest in Kyiv

Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT

"Fuck the EU!" (original File) - Victoria Nuland phoning with Geoffrey P...

"Fuck the EU!" (original File) - Victoria Nuland phoning with Geoffrey P...

sabato 5 marzo 2022

terrore, agli infanticidi di fascisti ucraini La traduzione è situata i...


Out of the Black (AZOV)

Вітання італійським соратникам від соратників з батальйону "Азов"


Ucraina: neo-nazisti contro Poroshenko

Pubblicità Per Entrare A Far Parte Del Battaglione A Z O V

GUERRA IN UCRAINA: mercenari e nazionalisti del battaglione Azov

Draghi: "Niente blocco ai soldi ai russi perché li hanno fatti sparire e...

battaglione Azov youtube

Ucraina, 600 paramilitari neo-nazi sfilano nella capitale

Scontro tra Vauro e il diplomatico ucraino: "Perché alcuni battaglioni u...

La Brigata Azov, intervista a Marcello Foa